Guitars Are Taking Over The World

Or something like that.

Location: Linn Creek, Missouri, United States

Married since 1979, with 3 children, and a grandbaby.

Saturday, September 30, 2006


On Technorati, this blog is the 1,711,678 most viewed blog (that is registered with Technorati). That probably means last. Cool. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. I usually don't care about being first except at carry-in dinners, then I want to be first at the desert table.
Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Holy Spirit in the Christian's Life

I have a minister friend, Jim, who illustrates how the Holy Spirit of God empowers the Christian's life. He has a 15 passenger church van setting at the bottom of a hill, running, in neutral. He will tell his class (usually 10 or 12 junior high students) to push the van up the hill. They'll begin and it will roll until the vans begins the incline of the hill. Then the weight of the van is too much for the students. He stops it from rolling back with the brake. Then he will put the van in drive and have the students push the van up the hill, all the while accelerating. The van goes easily up the hill and the students pushing do virtually none of the work to get it up the hill.

With the Holy Spirit in our lives, we have the power of God in our lives. When we let the Spirit direct and accomplish the work, then there is great success. Too many people, church boards, and other church groups come up with ideas to carry out or fulfill the work God has called them to do, and with a majority vote, they decide to go through with the plans, asking and wishing that God will be pleased with it and bless it. It may have slight success, but it is not serving within the power of God's Spirit but in our own strength, it is weakness. If we follow the Spirit and do as he is leading, we will see great success because it is God's power exerted through our service that brings it about. John 14:15-18.

My friend Ken has been blind since birth. In order to get around he requires assistance. Ken will put his right hand on my left shoulder and follow my movements almost exactly. His step is about a 1/2 step behind mine. When I turn, he follows the turning motion. When I step up or down, he steps the same way and does not stumble. When we arein tight spaces (like the aisles at Walmart), I'll inform him and tell him what we need to do and he will follow my movement. This works because Ken trusts me to lead him. He trusts I will not run him into a wall or pole; he trusts that I will not lead him into a hole or into traffic.

The Christian's walk with God, having the Spirit lead us is very similar. We are to walk by faith not my sight. Faith follows because it follows the eyes of God who is eternal, who can see ahead when we have no clue. When we follow the Spirit's leading we are always going the right direction. Romans 8:9-11.

God is at work in our lives. Will we follow his Spirit or strike out on our own? God has great success in store, if we will follow him and not get the proverbial cart before the horse.

"For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose" Philippians 3:13

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I Forgot

Gas Price update: $2.11.9 at Walmart. Use your gift card and get it for $2.08.9
Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!

Its Noisey

I'm at McDonalds, my nearest wifi station and there are a bunch of Junior High kids in the restaurant. I think there is an away footfall game for one of the JH teams. Several boys are running around in their uniform tops and there are several cheerleaders at the table next to me. There are also a few high school kids across the way. A couple of them step outstide from time to time and smoke. when the door opens, the smoke comes pouring in. Of course its windy and it might be worse because of that, but I'm watching and listening to these young people as they eat or goof-off or both.

I'm wondering, what will it take to reach these kids. Some of the HS kids are talking dirty and using crude, foul language. Some of the kids are just being stupid, trying to be clowns. One girl's cell phone rang with some sort of popular group's song as her ring tone and the girl with her asked "what if your phone rings in church or something?"Some are just innocently visiting.

What will it take for the love of Christ to reach each and every one of these kids? How do we make sure that the Gospel of Jesus is available to them? Not just that they get to hear the message, but that they understand and believe the message of Jesus.

When will we be sure to present the gospel to these young people in a relevant way?

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Recently, I've learned about counterfeit guitars. Someplace in China is manufacturing cheap guitars and selling them in the US as American made instruments from American manufacturers. The Gibson Les Paul is probably the most frequent counterfeit. They look nice, but there are tell-tell signs that it is not an original. It looks the same, yet there are subtle but noticeable differences. An expert can tell in an instant, but to the untrained eye, one may not be able to tell and may be fooled. The unusually low price is a beginning point.

The apostle Paul warns about Judaizers, people who claimed that one must keep the law of Moses as well as believe in Jesus in order to be saved. They were adding to what God required for salvation, thus making a counterfeit salvation.

There are those who still believe and teach the same, but there are others who teach this or that as well as faith in Christ is what saves or makes one faithful.

For instance:
  • One must keep the "spiritual disciplines"
  • One must never miss church, or communion, or ....
  • One must tithe without fail
  • One must ________________ (you fill in the blank)

We must beware of counterfeit faith. It does not hurt to know what these "extra" teachings are, but it is essential that we know what the Bible actually says.

There is a special branch of the governement that watches for counterfeit money. Flooding the country with counterfeit money could ruin our economy and most Americans wouldn't know counterfeit from real. I wouldn't. But there are some who are trained to be able to identify counterfeit money at sight. Their preparation is not examining counterfeit money, there are too many variations and possibilities, and they could blend together and fool the best trained federal men. They study the real thing. They examine US tender, real money and become so familiar with it that when they see a counterfeit bill, they are able to recognize the difference.

The Word of God, is the real thing. It is clear on what is necessary for salvation, it is clear on what it means to be faithful, it is clear on what we must know. The safe and sure way to recognize counterfeit doctrine and teaching, relating to the Church, the Bible, and Christ, is to know the Word of God which he has revealed and is found in the pages of the Bible.

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Gene Simmons Family Jewels

Ozzy Osbourne and his family had a TV show not too many years ago. We got a glimpse into the life of a rich rock star's home life, I guess. Ozzy was considered at one time the prince of darkness due to his heavy metal personna.

Well, Gene Simmons, of Kiss fame, in Kiss make-up, the demon on stage, spitting fire and blood, playing a bass guitar that looks like an axe, has a TV show on A&E called Gene Simmon's Family Jewels.

The rock star has a nearly normal life. He struggles with the same thing that most parents do. When his 15 year old daughter wants to go on a date, he complains that she is too young to date. My daughter isn't allowed to date til she's 45. Look at his life:

  • He is (quote-unquote) happily unmarried (but she wants to "tie-the-knot")
  • He is Jewish and picks on Gentiles
  • He still keeps in weekly contact with his mother
  • He loves money
  • He keeps getting the short end of the deal with his family

Gene is not the same guy on stage as he is in "real life." He tries like most to be a good son and a good father, and a good mate. He struggles with life like we all do.

It is interesting that someone like Gene Simmons is not a whole lot different than the rest of us.

I pray that he comes to know Jesus. Not for the sake of Christian's claims, "You know who's a Christian?" But for his salvation. May God put people around him that will be a godly influence and a witness of Jesus, his life, and the faith that believes and trusts in Jesus to lead him to Christ.

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

We Don't Discuss the Weather

When most people get together, the polite conversation has generally been about the weather. Today it is cooling off and its been raining since a little after nine this morning. We need the rain. Its been dry and.... Well, the general topic of conversation now is the price of gas. Things like, how the oil companies say this and that, but are making record profits; or how the price of fuel is actually controlled by the government; or how the price flucuates so much, etc., etc. Well, I don't even begin to know the reasons for this or that, but I can see the gas prices and know how it effects my family and I. Well, gas has dipped to $2.12.9. Now we're about $1.70 above what it should be.

It is 72 degrees in the house, 68 degrees outside and my feet are cold.

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!

Friday, September 15, 2006


  • Before I begin my rants and raves, just a gas price note. It reached $2.15.9 here and my son saw it for $2.13.9 in Joplin. The forecast is for it to go below $2.00 by Thanksgiving. At this rate it will be $1.50 by Thanksgiving.
  • O yeah. My sermons are now on the church's website.
  • Our van was wrecked three weeks ago and we are still waiting on the repairs to be completed. It was thought that the frame needed a little squaring, but it appears it is the replacement strut. The prediction is possibly, maybe, could be, if we're lucky, that we'll be able to pick it up next Friday.

I wonder about some Christians and some churches sometimes. A person runs into marital probelms, ends up in divorce, lives hundreds of miles from his children and is rarely allowed to see them. Now out of the ministry, this person, a friend of mine, has been hurt by the church, the very people who should be making every attempt to help, restore, and encourage those who are going through such terrible times. Since I saw my friend this afternoon, I have been consumed with what has happened to him and mourn.

Jesus and the apostle John said to believers, ie., the church, "love one another." Love does not condemn the repentant but seeks to restore. Love does not destroy, but builds up. Love does not turn its back but tries to bring back to the right track. Love does forgive. Love does care. Love does hold out hope. Read Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 13. His writing about love has to do with the Christian's relationship to each other. In fact, I am interested in reading my friends writing on the this passage.

It is interesting that I saw my friend today (its been almost 5 years since the last time I saw my friend), because the message I am to give Sunday, is about God's love in the church, through his people. At times, Christians and the church disappoint. And when the church does not fulfil the love of God, it turns people off. Its no wonder people reject the church and then reject God who the church is suppose to represent.

How much do we Christians as the church need to repent of? How many people have been turned away because we have not loved one another? How many have I personally been responsible for turning away from Christ? God I am so sorry for any that I may have turned off of you because I didn't show your true love. Please forgive me.

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


First, filled the pickup today at $2.19.9. Gas is not only about $1.80 too much.

B, could be be changes in our lives. Doesn't have anything to do with the church our ministry.

3, Met with the ministers from the camp we attend and set up a new season for 2007. Looks good. Check the camp at

Fourth, Had to cut the grass. It got rediculous tall in a week and a half. The mower labored in some spots.

'at's about it. See ya.

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

New Testament Chrisitan Chruch

Visit to learn more about the congregation I minister to and lead. Pray for our efforts to administer God's word to the communities we serve.

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Cheap, cheap, cheap!

Went by the gas stations this morning Check it out. $2.26.9. Whoa! (spoken with the gutteral Fred Flintstone voice).

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!

Hello. It's me!

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!

Remembering 9/11

Events like 9/11 are defining moments in the country. They are so significant that people remember where they were and what they were doing when it happened. Ask anyone who was alive when President Kennedy was assasinated, or when Pearl Harbor was attacked. It awakens our realization that what we think is significant may not actually be as important as we make them after all.

I was in a crowded hospital surgery waiting room in Columbia, Missouri when I looked at the TV and saw the first tower of the World Trade Center burning and smoking. As people's attention turned to the TV, our shock was magnified when the second plane hit the second tower. At that point, no one really knew what was happening or who was responsible.

The Sunday following the attacks, churches of all sorts were filled with seekers, seeking peace, seeking help to make sense of the situation, searching for meaning for their life, even for salvation. But, it didn't take long for that seeking sense to wear away and most people returned to their regular way of life with little concern for anything.

Barna Research Group have recently documented that 9/11 has had at best, very little long-term spiritual siginificance to Americans. Though the threat looms large for another attack, we as a whole seem more concerned with our consuming way of life.

It seems that our nation-wide hightened spiritual search was little more then a fox-hole prayer; "God, if you're there, if you will get me out of this, I promise I"ll...." You can add many things people would promise God, go to church, not ask for anything from God again, tithe, etc.

Today as we remember the attacks and honor those whose lives were sacrificed and lost in the attacks and in the war against on those responsible as well as those who support their cause, our awareness of the presence of God and his closeness to his followers is important. But more than knowing he is near, that whatever may happen in this world, nothing can separate us from the Love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:28). I.E., Trust God!

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Safe Life (sermon from Sept. 12, 2006)

Psalm 139 is a Safe Life (4th in the series: LIVE! Insights for life from the Psalms)

The book of Psalms is both easy and hard. The more time spent in the book, the deeper one's depth of understanding. The Psalm writers nailed the essential elements of human nature, feelings, and desire of both the righteous and unrighteous. And, the reach of their understanding of God, is rich and deep.

Pslam 139 is written to be sung. A song celebrating God's part or the reltationship he has with his people. What this Psalm shows is why we who follow God have an awesome life.

During a recent week of Church camp with 5th and th graders, I got to share how great it is to be in Christ, with a theme called, "I'm Lovin' This!" based on the McDonald's advertising theme. I got to share about peace, joy, hope, and much more in my life because I am in Christ. I can say, I love being me.

This is a look at an Awesome Life from God's relationship with us.

Its an awesome life because God is all-knowing (verses 1-6). Sometimes, don't you wish you knew it all? But when you look at the President of the US, after each one has served in office, they have aged beyond their years, because of the pressures of dealing with all the knowledge they have. I'm glad I don't know what they know. Knowledge comes with a burden. What to do with it all? There are moral actions, correct or incorrect actions, worry and concern, and consequences good or bad based upon knowledge.

When a crime is commited, investigators begin the process of gathering information to determine what is correct and factual about the case, in order to solve the crime. God knows everything about us. David even admits that God already has done the investigation. He knows our activities, our thoughts, what we will say before we say it, and as David admits this, he is humble enough to realize that there is no excape from God's knowledge and that what Goi knows is so much more than Davod is able to understand or grasp.

What does this mean to you? We had better be careful about how we think and live. In fact, the 10 commandments are there to help us in this. He knows our needs, our feelings, our hopes, and our fears. This makes him best able to meet our needs according to his will.

Because he knows these things he can help us in all things.

It's an Awesome Life because God is all-seeing (verses 7-12). David paints a picture, not of a nosey, meddling God, but of a loving God who cares about every part of our life.

David beautifully draws attention to:

  • How there is no way that God loses sight of us
  • How there is no place that can hide us from his sight, in heaven or earth, life or death, even in the darkness, God can see as if it was light.

With God's all-knowing character, coupled with his all-seeing nature, God can guide our lives and is always there with us. We have a difficult path to walk in this world. Making our way through, we will need help to avoid dangers, no matter what, no matter where, no matter when. God is there.

It is an Awesome Life because God is allpowerful (13-18). Power is awesome. The strong men of the Jackson Weight Club in Kirksville, MO perform feats of strength that just make your jaw drop. They bend hardened bolts and nails, they roll-up frying pans, they lift incredible weights and more. They will tell you that as strong as their bodies are, the real source of strength in their lives is God.

  • From our own personal creation (ie., birth) >> Only God can create, only God can give life.
  • Not only creating and giving life, but knowing our whole life, from birth to death from beginning to everlasting.

God's power creates, gives, and guides life.

Because God is awesomely wonderful (vs 14) David praises God, but also wishes to perceiive the mind of God, to learn his thoughts.

What does this have to do with us?

  • God doesn't come in after our bodies and minds are already formed, like a counselor, but is there throughout, from the time in our mother's womb throughout our life and even after death.
  • God's power makes it so he is always with us (or as Romans 8:38 describes, nothing has the power to wrench us out of God's love through Christ).

It's an Awesome Life because God is all right (verses 19-24). We often sing the song Holiness. "Holiness, holiness is what I long for. Holiness is what I need. Holiness is what you want from me." Second verse, same as the first. "Righteousness, righteousness is what I..." Holiness and righteousness are essentially the same thing.

David points out that he different than the rest of the world, in fact, that he even chooses to avoid and turn from them because they are opposed to God who is totally righteous. David is so adamant about keeping from the ways of evil that he asks God to search his life, test his wasy, and see if there is anything in him that is not righteous.

Rigteousness is having no part of evil. God's very nature is righteous. He does this all so that we will have rightsousness in us so that it becomes our nature.

Why does all this make our life an awesome life? Because is shows us that God is intimately involved in our lives. It shows us that God's creation can be redeemed.

Now, how cool is that?

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!

Response to Our Amazing God

"How great is our God, sing with me, how great is our God. All will see how great, how great is our God."

Awesome has been the word of choice for many Christians since Rich Mullins' song, Awesome God, came out years ago. In fact, the word has been applied to numerous things and circumstances, so the impact of its meaning has been lessened. Even with a diminished case of understanding, the word still has impact.

When applied to God it mean:

  • Whoa! Spoken with a deep gutteral sound aka, Fred Flintstone.
  • Incredible!
  • Outstanding!
  • Amazing!

How great is our God? Amazing is how great he is. What is great? Creation; Love; Care; Help; Hope; and more. I contend that the most amazing thing about God is salvation.

Today's sermon was "The Amazing Power of Salvation." Romans 1:16, the Gospel "is the power of God for salvation." God wants to save and everything he has done in this world has been for the sake of salvation, your salvation, mine, and everyone's.

The response was overwhelming. It seemed to be God touching the hearts of people who were being reminded of what God wants and has done for us and what that means to us.

Coming soon, a version of the sermon "THE AMAZING POWER OF SALVATION" from the series, Our Amazing God.

Friday, September 08, 2006

This message was given August 13, 2006

This third in the series LIVE! Insights for life from the Psalms. This message is called "A Safe Life," from Psalm 91.

On the way home from school one day in the fourth grade, I was walking with a couple of other guys, including Don Featherstone. Don was one of the cool fifth graders at school. We lived about a half mile from school and had turned off of Boulevard street on our street, Boca Raton. Don made a slush ball and threw it at some kids across the street. He nailed one boy in the side of the head. After the initial shock of the hit, the cold, and the juice running inside his clothes, he yelled, "who threw that?" Of course Don acted all innocent, but me on the other hand proudly pointed at Don (I thought what he did was pretty neat). Don became angry because he had been "ratted out." He threatened to clobber me and I have a problem with pain. It hurts and I don't like to hurt. So I shot for home. "Feet don't fail me now." I raced home with Don in hot pursuit. I got in the front door and ran downstairs to the garage window to watch for Don.

I was home. I was safe. He couldn't get me there. I was protected at home. Don Featherstone wanted to give me a bloody nose, but our fight is not against flesh and blood, but agains the spiritual forces of darkness (Ephesians 6:12). You can't run home and be free from the attacks of the devil. His work, though often realized by physical danger is always working on the heart, mind, and soul. He tempts according to the evil potentials in our hearts (James 1:14-15). He puts obstacles in our path to entice us into sinful living. He pursues us like a starving lion (1 Peter 5:8). He sets traps to trick us into sin. He uses different lures based on what could snare us, like a fisherman using different lures to catch different types of fish.

Where are we safe? If not in our own homes, how about at Church? A monestary? A cave? Some places may provide a lesser temptation, but no physical place is exempt from the devil's temptations, in fact we will exchange one set of temptations for others. So, David says, " The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, 'My refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust" (Psalm 91:1-2, Holman's Christian Standard Version).

God is our shelter, our refuge, our place of safety.

  • Mountains are barriers protecting from enemies - Psalm 125:1-2
  • Castles are fortresses with walls to protect and defend against the enemy - Psalm 61:3
  • The wings of the a bird protects its young - Psalm 9:14

Trust in God, faith that lasts places us in his protective hands, shielding our hearts, minds, and souls from the schemes and attacks of the devil.

A safe life is a life lived in, through, and by faith in the Almighty God.

Note: A safe life is a dangerous life. In this case, this is not a contrast or mutually exclusive. It is a dangerous life, not because we do extreme things to place our spiritual life at risk (though some Christians try to straddle the line between rightousness and sinfulness). It is a dangerous life because it is lived out within the confines of an evil world. Consider Shadrach, Meschach, and Abdenego. They stood firm in faith and were thrown into the furnance because they obeyed God, not man, not even a king.

Note: A safe life is a certain life. It is a life of confidence. Confident, not in who we are, but who we belong to and his faithfulness. David & Goliath illustrate this. David volunteered and went out to fight the giant with only his sling, 5 stones he picked up on the way, and a confident faith in God to glorify his name through the circumstance. David walked away, Goliath didn't.

Note: A safe life is a complete life. Whether they know it or not, people are seeking fulfillment. Its often called a search for significance. When a person is a guest of the king, that person stays in a luxurious room, is able to wander the palace and visit with other diginitaries, and sit a the king's table. A special honor. We are more than guests in God's house, we are sons, heirs and the table is ours as well.

Note: A safe life is an everlasting life. Life was meant to be enduring. Not just long years lived on earth, but eternally lived with God. Abraham, among others, is described as looking for the city which was not built by human hands. His life was not wrapped up in the present, but in the future, eternal life with God.

Polycarp was a disciple of the apostle John. When he was 86 years old, he was arrested and brought into the coluseum, and challenged to deny Christ. His reply was that God had not failed nor abandoned him for86 years and that he would not fail his Christ. He was put to death. Because his life was wrapped up in Jesus Christ, he knew the things that matter, eternity, was in Christ and in Christ, his life was safe.

Amazing Things

New amazing things. Recently on an outing with my son and daughter-in-law's church, I rode a zip line. AWESOME!. Climbing the hill and the 4,332,092 steps (it seemed like it) of the tower was no picnic. By the time I got to the top, I was out of breath. When the attendant clipped me to a safety line, I got out on the platform. Looking down it was like, "I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid." Actually, I wasn't afraid, I was respectful of the height.

Sitting there waiting to go, I was anxious to go. I didn't know what to expect. I'm good for something new. The attendant counted 1, 2, 3 and we scooted off our seats and we were suspended in air. Riding the line there was not an anxious moment. It supported me all the way. It was COOL! That day, I was 3 pounds over the weight limit (which they said was ok) and cleared some trees by just a few feet. In fact, I tried to kick their tops as I passed over. What a rush. Everyone was, whoa, is he going to break the line? Is he going to get hurt, or hurt someone? Will anyone be able ride this line again? Actually, they said, "ask that guy how much he weights again?"

Another amazing thing. My grandaughter began walking the other day. My son called and said that she had taken about 10 steps the day before, so they wondered if it was just a fluke. But the day he called, she was walking all over the place. He was roaring with laughter because as he said, she doesn't steer very well.

That is so cool. My grandbaby has taken the next step in maturity (excuse the obvious pun). She'll walk right up to me and grab my knees (she's till pretty short and I'm kinda tall). I'm sure there will be a huge smile on her face, I know there will be on mine.

Today, I will spend a couple of hours with our senior saints from the church at a cookout. I love these people, because they are the backbone and in many cases the heart of this congreation. They are supporting the change that is necessary to continue to grow. They are encouraging the whole congregation because they have not retired from Christian service, just adjusted their service to match their changing lives through their senior years. God is so amazing. I pray that all Christians will grow and serve the way these amazing people are.

Did you figure out that my new go to word is AMAZING?

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I'm a Boring Coffee Drinker

My daughter thinks my coffee drinking is boring. I like, dark, rich, coffee, without any additions. My daughter on the other hand will only drink coffee if it has creamer in it, flavored creamer. YEECH! Well, today, I spent about an hour at Starbucks working on a sermon about our amazing God. So, to step out of the samo-samo, I ordered a Caffe' Americano not knowing what it was like. I'm good for a surprise, so I thought, this looks interesting, so I'll give it a shot. It was straight black coffee. NO FLAVOR. Just straight coffee. How's that for a kick in the shin. Plan on something different, order (I think) something different, but its the same, just named fancy. So much for not being a boring coffee drinker.

President Bush Spoke Today

I'm not sure I totally understand what is going on in the world. Terrorism is as strong as ever and threatening the world. Mr. Bush said that 9/11 showed us the weaknesses of America's security. I pray that the security problems will be remedied.

Terrorism as is exists today can be used to symbolize work of the devil against Christians. The devil attacks when we least expect it and in sneaky and subversive ways. We must set up spiritual protection to withstand his attacks. Yet, there are times we fail and his attacks are successful and damaging. Recovery is possible, but, if all we succeed in doing is grieving and repenting, then we have not done enough. We must also recognise where our weaknesses are and set up spiritual defenses for the next time. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

New Sermons

We begin a new series of sermons this Sunday. Our Amazing God. Over and over, the Bible describes God as an amazing God. Terms such as "in awe of," "awesome," "wonder," "astonishment," and more describe the response by people, both followers and non-followers to God’s revelation of himself. Moses fell down before God. Jacob bowed before the angel, God’s representative. The people trembled at the voice of God at the holy mountain of God. Saul fell before the voice of the Lord. When God reveals himself, he shows himself through the miraculous. His strength is revealed through his servantsand can be seen in such Bible stories as:
The plagues against Egypt.
The crossing of the Jordan to take the land.
Destruction of Jericho.
Daniel in the Lion’s den.
and more. I am looking forward to examining this futher.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

This message was preached September 5, 2006

The main reason I offer my sermons here is for family who want to see the messages. So, here is the second in the series, LIVE! Insights for Life from the Psalms.

Psalm 10 - When God Seems Far Away

The story of the Lord of the Rings is about a ring that is in the possession of a hobbit. The ring is an evil ring made by the evil lord, Sauron, and he is in hot pursuit of it. He has sent "the Nine," the Nazgul, his evil servants to find the ring and kill the one who has it. The ring must come to a safe place, and Frodo has set out for the city of Bree to meet Gandalf, the wizard to insure its safety. Frodo has his gardner and friend Samwise Gamgee with him and they encounter two more hobbits, Merry and Pippen. As they travel, they encounter some of the Nazgul. They escape by ferry and finally arrive at the Inn at Bree. But Gandalf has not arrived, nor has he been there for months. The hobbits turn and look at each other with worried looks and Sam asks, "What do we do now?" Whether Gandalf has not come on purpose or by accident, their fears and worries grow. Frodo, does still believe Gandalf will keep his promise and will show up.

The writer of the book of Psalms is asking the question many ask, "God where are you when I need you most?

As David writes he asks a rhetorical question. He knows the answer and so do those he writes too, but, it feels at times like God is avoiding us in our distress. Jesus it seems, even felt this on the cross (Matthew 27:46), "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Sin, and the earthly consequences of sin cause in us a sense that God has abandoned us. Situations like abusive people, disease, hate, financial stress and ruin, loss of job, broken relationships, even personal sin. They can hide from us the realization that God is ALWAYS with us - whether it seems like it or not.
The devil is out to get us. He wants to destroy all that is God's, the Church, Christians, goodness, and hope. Everyone that follow the devil's ways are like him and Psalm 10 describes them as they come against the believer.
  • They are proud and arrogant, even thinking they are exempt from God's ways.
  • The go after those who are down on their luck (s0 to speak).
  • They brag about their evil desires.
  • The put God down and love those who are like themselves.
  • They believe God will not do anything about what they do, so they at least act like God doesn't exist (you might call it practical atheism).
  • It even seems as if they are always successful and don't ever realize God will punish them sooner or later.

Their evil intent and rebellion agianst God grows.

  • They believe their ways will never be stopped, that it will always be good for them.
  • They curse those who oppose their views and ways.
  • In fact, they try to stop and destroy all against them.
  • All because they believe God doesn't and will not do anything.

Verses 2-11 which have been described above, paints a vivid picture of our world, even our own country.

  • God is looked down on.
  • God and religion are not tolerated, though everything else is.
  • They would just as soon see Christianity and the Bible stopped, destroyed and out of the way.

In these things, many Christians despair. We cry out, "God, are you there?'' "God, aren't you going to do anything about this?"

With this in mind, there are two realizations we should consider.

First: Sometimes God is just silent. This reality is often hard to accept. The Bible shows God at work, but often we get to look behind the scenes in the Bible, such as the story of Job. Still, its hard to live with. God has three answers to prayer, yes, no, and wait. And we hate to wait. Try using dial-up. While we wait we wonder, what God has us waiting for.

Let me suggest a few possibilities:

1. God's silence is a time of self-examination and reflection. A time to examine our motives, a time to realize and repent of unrepented sin. When God is silent, get rid of sin.

2. God's silence is a reminder of our personal helplessness. Without God, we're nothing. We have no goodness or understanding of our own that reaches the quality of heaven without God.

3. God's silence draws us nearer to him. There are two aspects to this (1st) God delays justice so the wicked have the opportunity to repent, (2nd) God also delays to allow us to trust fully and rely on him only.

4. God wil glorify himself in the circumstance and the life of the follower, in even greater ways than before.

Second, God will answer.

Job it seems waited a long time to learn the answer. But he also found he was asking the wrong question. We like Job always seem to ask why? Even if we learned the answer, the answer never satisfies.

The better question is who? Who is actually in control? Who always carries out and accomplishes his will and when he sees fit too?

Who are you going to trust in? The eternal God who is eternal or ourselves who are finite and lacking in wisdom and understanding of eternal things?

If we are going to really live, then we must have a full faith in God. A faith that trusts and never gives up on him and his ways, even when it seems God is not there or listening or even cares. Remember:

  • God has NEVER failed.
  • God's ways are higher then ours and through faith, though God may not be answering for the moment, when our ways join with God's then perserverance is never a chore, but a joy.

Does that mean we ever give up offering our requests to God. No, because God notices the afflictions of the afflicted and takes the matter into his own hands.

During one episode of the show Monk, a criminal blinds Monk when he throws some fluid in his face. The doctors are not sure if the blindness is permenant or not. Monk has grown very depressed and is frustrated by the whole situation. At one point, Monk's assistant says, "There is always hope." Monk replies very timidly as if he has been completely defeated, "There is never hope."

Monk is an eternal pessimist. But the faithful believer in God is an eternal optimist, even when it seems God doesn't care, or isn't around, but God's track record has shown him to always be faithful to love and care and help. Monk is wrong, there is ALWAYS hope!

O Brother

Today has been an interesting and frustrating day so far. The van is in the shop being repaired after the accident so we are down to one vehicle-the truck. The rear passenger tire has been losing air more rapidly each day. Took it to Walmart and sat nearly 2 hours to find out they cannot fi it. There is a 2 inch gash in the tire. Was able to get a used one for $25 though from the guy who is fixing the van. When I got there, he said there is a delay on fixing the van. The fender he had lined out, was the wrong color, not just a different shape of red (the actualy color is called cranberrY) but a different color altogether, blue. It will be 3 more days before the right colored fender comes in. On top of all this, the truck's waterpump is leaking fluid, which means it needs replaced. Fortunately, its not expensive, but it is a lot of work. It will take me most of the day to replace. I hope I can get by till Saturday.

But if these are the only problems I have, well...!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

This message was preached July 30, 2006

The Psalms has a wealth of information, truth, and understanding. In fact, the applications for life are so numerous, who would begin to count them. David and the other Psalm writers write about life. The Psalm's insights are as relevant today as when they were first penned. Here is the first in the series called, LIVE!


"I met an 11 year old young man this week who has become limited in movement and ability over the last two years. The problem is in the muscles of his legs and buttocks. Ronnie (name changed for annonymity) walks with a jerking and stop motion. He cannot run and play like the rest of the children his age. He can only sit along the sidelines as they run and kick and catch and play.
This has all been very difficult on Ronnie and his family. The doctors have run test after test and have no answers. Like most of us, at least knowing is better than, 'we don't know.'
In many ways, Ronnie's condition is like Muscular Dystrophy, but the doctors say they cannot be sure that is it.
Wednesday, after the campfire at church, he set down with his minister wanting to be baptized, because, "then God would heal me," he said. His minister told him that God can heal, but he may choose not to heal. Ronnie still chose to be baptized.
Can you see that Ronnie is scared about his condition even though it is stable at the moment? He felt God didn't like him, or that God was trying to get him and baptism would cure it all.
It is difficult to imagine, but children younger than Ronnie go through terrible ordeals and do not know peace. They go to bed frightened, worried about all kinds of possible problems like abusive parents, gangs, or being hurt or killed at school, out-of-work parents, or disease conditions like Ronnie's.
Children are not the only ones to live without peace. Adults do too, maybe even you.
There are all kinds of difficulties that can rob us of peace. We could even make a very, very long list of the possibilities. But didn't Jeus say, "in this life you will have trouble" (John 16:33). Stuff happens to the good and the bad alike. This "stuff" can actually paralyse people--keeping them from living-- that is, not experiencing any hope or joy.
To get away from temptations, some people enter monastaries. But other tempations come on strong. Some people have even moved from one location or city to another but move into other problems. Some even try to fight and resist the issue, but end up creating even more things that leave them without peace.
One aspect of God's answer to a troubled world is to give our lives peace. However, a lot of people believe that for God to give a life of peace he should remove all problems and sickness, everything that keeps us from have peace in our lives.
Psalm 23 answers some of the question about living a life of peace.
1 The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack.
2 He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.
3 He renews my life; He leads me along the right paths for His name's sake.
4 Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear [no] danger, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff—they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6 Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD as long as I live.

Verses 1-3 show us that needs are met.
As David wrote this Psalm, he addresses life from the perspective of the sheep, but quickly transistions the perspective to a human perspective.
Sheep need gentle pasture to lay in and feed. I don't personally eat grass and lay around in the yard. Sheeop need quiet water to drink from. I'm likely to jump in and splash around.
In our souls, God does the spiritual equivalant. Because we trust in him, he provides the food and drink that feeds our souls. We will never hunger or thirst because he keeps us refreshed and guides us in the way of righteousness.
It's a matter of keeping our eyes on God; Knowing and listening to his voice; following in his steps; trusting our provider.
Our greatest need is to trust God. Circumstances are just that: circumstances. Circumstances come and go. they may last your lifetime, but they are not eternal-God is eternal.
There is a story of a lady showing her rich friend the apartment of a woman who is bound to the apartment due physical problems. They enter the apartment house and the rich friend comments about how run down it seems. They go up a flight of steps and she complains of the conditions and having to use the stairs. Her escort replied, "it's better higher up." They continued and the rich friend continued her complaint, always to the replay, "it is better higher up." Finally, they reach and enter the apartment. After meeting the crippled lady, she looked around for a bit and blurted out, "it must be very difficult for you to be here like this!" With a moment's hesitation the shut-in responded, "it's better higher up." D.L. Moody explains, She was not looking at temporal things. With eyes fixed on the eternal, she had found the secret of true satisfaction and contentment.

Verse 4 shows us we do not need to fear death.
People are afraid to die. Many because death is the ultimate unknown. They don't know what will happen to them. This is one of the reasons for healthcare concerns and the cosmetic surgery industry. If we can cheat aging and the problems that go with it, then we might actually cheat death.
Then people try cheating death by doing extreme things, such as, bungee jumping. Flying straight down like a missile toward the ground, but having a giant rubberband snap them back into the air before their heads are smashed against the ground. Or extreme parachuting. Jumping from a plane and waiting to open the parachute until the last possible instant and still float safely to the ground.
In 1975, about a hour or so after a rain, I drove our 1964 Olds f85 station wagon out to Mark Summers house about 12 miles in the country. The roads were very good, a bit winding and rolling hills, two lanes, with a paved shoulder, but it was wet. I stupidly decided to see how fast I could get the car up too. I was at 110 mph and still accelerating when the rear slid a little. I realized just how stupid I was being fearing that I would go flying off the road into one of the apple trees in the orchard along the road. I let off the gas and deccelerated to a safe speed. I had cheated death. I was doing the extreme before we knew there was extreme. But I feared death, so I slowed down.
With God protecting our souls, there is no reason to fear dying, because, like it has been described, death is the next step for the believer. Stepping out of this life into the next, a life with God and Christ for eternity. If we continue in faith with God, when we die, there is nothing to fear, because we are protected in the great hands of the creator.

Verses 5&6, show us you are an heir (of the King).
The story of the Prince and the Pauper tells of the meeting of two young boys of the same age who look alike (like identical twins). One is a prince living a luxurious life and the other a pauper living in squalor just hoping to have enough food to live at all. When they meet, the prince is intrigued by the pauper and invites him into the palace where they exchange the characteristics of their lives. The prince, wanting a new experience, convinces the pauper to switch with him for a time so he can see what a pauper's life is like, also letting the pauper see what a prince's life is like. After several trying and difficult experiences, they finally change back.
A number of things transpire, but eventually, the pauper is brought before the prince who is now the king. The prince forgives the crime and brings the pauper into the palace to live, providing all he will ever need, even having him eat with him.
Followers of God, are more than guests in the kings palace. Dignataries are given a luxurious room to stay in. They get to roam the palace, enjoying the gardens, and libraries and visiting with others of importance, even being invited to eat at the king's table, a special privilege. But we are more than guests, we are made heirs. We are not just visiting, we are home, the palace is our home.
With God, we have become heirs with the son of the king, Jesus. Now how special is that? How special are we to God?

I cannot think of a funeral I have preached where I was not asked or did not choose to read Psalm 23. There is a reason for that. It is a Psalm which comforts the weak-hearted. But, I have often wondered why it is a funeral-only Psalm. It is a Psalm for everyday. It touches our hearts because we understand the experience David is protraying in praising the goodness of the Shepherd.

During some recent uprisings in the Middle East, Ron and Joke Jones, who serve with the Christian and Missionary alliance in Israel, communicated the following in their prayer letter:
The result of the fighting and killing has left a profound sense of discouragement that hovers over the country. Several times we have come into closer contact with this conflict than our comfort zone allowed.
Yesterday a friend shared with us something she observed that was delightful reminder of God's care for us. She watched a shepherd caring for his flock near the area where guns are fired. Every time the shots rang out the sheep scattered in fright. The shepherd then touched each of them with his staff and spoke calmly to them, and the sheep settled down immediately because they trusted the shepherd. And then another shot sounded, and the same routine happened again. Each tme, the sheep needed the shepherd to orient them again and to reassure them they were safe. [Cited by Greg Asimakoupoulos]

We, are like those sheep, and our Shepherd reaches out and touches us with his staff, speaking words of calm and comfort.
If we are going to live, then we must receive a life of peace from the Shepherd, God the Father. He is ALWAYS there for you and me.

Monday, September 04, 2006

This has been an amzaing weekend. My son and wife brought the baby by for us to babysit Saturday while they went to the Mizzou game. Madelynn is amazing. We had so much fun. Playing with her, watching how see reacts to everything. God is so incredible. He is the Master of creation but when he created Madelynn, he out-did himself. All his of his creation is amazing, but over the past year since Madelynn's birth, I have seen so much about God, who he is, and what he does. First, there is so much joy to found in God that we often miss it in the busyness and seriousness of the world. But this child, reminds me of the joy we find in God. See, Madelynn seems to find so much happiness when we're around (I know she's happy even when we're not around, but this is my observation after all) that seems to feed off the joy we have for her. God loves us so much, he gives us joy when we are in relationship and fellowship with him because he is filled with joy.

I also got to spend the last 24 hours with my daughter. She has had a difficult summer. I was so happy to see her and spend time with her (especially talking smack while she played softball with the BSU). She reminds me of me in a lot of ways. She loves much of the same stuff that I do, Santana, Joe Satriani, Lord of the Rings, Chevy Nova's, etc. There are other characteristics was well, but as my children grow, I find that they bring me more and more happiness. And spending time with "Leroy" has helped me to see this.

Scripture of the day: Rejoice in the Lord always; I'll say it again, REJOICE! Philippians 4:4 (emphasis mine).