Guitars Are Taking Over The World

Or something like that.

Location: Linn Creek, Missouri, United States

Married since 1979, with 3 children, and a grandbaby.

Friday, September 08, 2006

This message was given August 13, 2006

This third in the series LIVE! Insights for life from the Psalms. This message is called "A Safe Life," from Psalm 91.

On the way home from school one day in the fourth grade, I was walking with a couple of other guys, including Don Featherstone. Don was one of the cool fifth graders at school. We lived about a half mile from school and had turned off of Boulevard street on our street, Boca Raton. Don made a slush ball and threw it at some kids across the street. He nailed one boy in the side of the head. After the initial shock of the hit, the cold, and the juice running inside his clothes, he yelled, "who threw that?" Of course Don acted all innocent, but me on the other hand proudly pointed at Don (I thought what he did was pretty neat). Don became angry because he had been "ratted out." He threatened to clobber me and I have a problem with pain. It hurts and I don't like to hurt. So I shot for home. "Feet don't fail me now." I raced home with Don in hot pursuit. I got in the front door and ran downstairs to the garage window to watch for Don.

I was home. I was safe. He couldn't get me there. I was protected at home. Don Featherstone wanted to give me a bloody nose, but our fight is not against flesh and blood, but agains the spiritual forces of darkness (Ephesians 6:12). You can't run home and be free from the attacks of the devil. His work, though often realized by physical danger is always working on the heart, mind, and soul. He tempts according to the evil potentials in our hearts (James 1:14-15). He puts obstacles in our path to entice us into sinful living. He pursues us like a starving lion (1 Peter 5:8). He sets traps to trick us into sin. He uses different lures based on what could snare us, like a fisherman using different lures to catch different types of fish.

Where are we safe? If not in our own homes, how about at Church? A monestary? A cave? Some places may provide a lesser temptation, but no physical place is exempt from the devil's temptations, in fact we will exchange one set of temptations for others. So, David says, " The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, 'My refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust" (Psalm 91:1-2, Holman's Christian Standard Version).

God is our shelter, our refuge, our place of safety.

  • Mountains are barriers protecting from enemies - Psalm 125:1-2
  • Castles are fortresses with walls to protect and defend against the enemy - Psalm 61:3
  • The wings of the a bird protects its young - Psalm 9:14

Trust in God, faith that lasts places us in his protective hands, shielding our hearts, minds, and souls from the schemes and attacks of the devil.

A safe life is a life lived in, through, and by faith in the Almighty God.

Note: A safe life is a dangerous life. In this case, this is not a contrast or mutually exclusive. It is a dangerous life, not because we do extreme things to place our spiritual life at risk (though some Christians try to straddle the line between rightousness and sinfulness). It is a dangerous life because it is lived out within the confines of an evil world. Consider Shadrach, Meschach, and Abdenego. They stood firm in faith and were thrown into the furnance because they obeyed God, not man, not even a king.

Note: A safe life is a certain life. It is a life of confidence. Confident, not in who we are, but who we belong to and his faithfulness. David & Goliath illustrate this. David volunteered and went out to fight the giant with only his sling, 5 stones he picked up on the way, and a confident faith in God to glorify his name through the circumstance. David walked away, Goliath didn't.

Note: A safe life is a complete life. Whether they know it or not, people are seeking fulfillment. Its often called a search for significance. When a person is a guest of the king, that person stays in a luxurious room, is able to wander the palace and visit with other diginitaries, and sit a the king's table. A special honor. We are more than guests in God's house, we are sons, heirs and the table is ours as well.

Note: A safe life is an everlasting life. Life was meant to be enduring. Not just long years lived on earth, but eternally lived with God. Abraham, among others, is described as looking for the city which was not built by human hands. His life was not wrapped up in the present, but in the future, eternal life with God.

Polycarp was a disciple of the apostle John. When he was 86 years old, he was arrested and brought into the coluseum, and challenged to deny Christ. His reply was that God had not failed nor abandoned him for86 years and that he would not fail his Christ. He was put to death. Because his life was wrapped up in Jesus Christ, he knew the things that matter, eternity, was in Christ and in Christ, his life was safe.


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