This message was preached July 30, 2006
The Psalms has a wealth of information, truth, and understanding. In fact, the applications for life are so numerous, who would begin to count them. David and the other Psalm writers write about life. The Psalm's insights are as relevant today as when they were first penned. Here is the first in the series called, LIVE!
"I met an 11 year old young man this week who has become limited in movement and ability over the last two years. The problem is in the muscles of his legs and buttocks. Ronnie (name changed for annonymity) walks with a jerking and stop motion. He cannot run and play like the rest of the children his age. He can only sit along the sidelines as they run and kick and catch and play.
This has all been very difficult on Ronnie and his family. The doctors have run test after test and have no answers. Like most of us, at least knowing is better than, 'we don't know.'
In many ways, Ronnie's condition is like Muscular Dystrophy, but the doctors say they cannot be sure that is it.
Wednesday, after the campfire at church, he set down with his minister wanting to be baptized, because, "then God would heal me," he said. His minister told him that God can heal, but he may choose not to heal. Ronnie still chose to be baptized.
Can you see that Ronnie is scared about his condition even though it is stable at the moment? He felt God didn't like him, or that God was trying to get him and baptism would cure it all.
It is difficult to imagine, but children younger than Ronnie go through terrible ordeals and do not know peace. They go to bed frightened, worried about all kinds of possible problems like abusive parents, gangs, or being hurt or killed at school, out-of-work parents, or disease conditions like Ronnie's.
Children are not the only ones to live without peace. Adults do too, maybe even you.
There are all kinds of difficulties that can rob us of peace. We could even make a very, very long list of the possibilities. But didn't Jeus say, "in this life you will have trouble" (John 16:33). Stuff happens to the good and the bad alike. This "stuff" can actually paralyse people--keeping them from living-- that is, not experiencing any hope or joy.
To get away from temptations, some people enter monastaries. But other tempations come on strong. Some people have even moved from one location or city to another but move into other problems. Some even try to fight and resist the issue, but end up creating even more things that leave them without peace.
One aspect of God's answer to a troubled world is to give our lives peace. However, a lot of people believe that for God to give a life of peace he should remove all problems and sickness, everything that keeps us from have peace in our lives.
Psalm 23 answers some of the question about living a life of peace.
1 The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack.
2 He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.
3 He renews my life; He leads me along the right paths for His name's sake.
4 Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear [no] danger, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff—they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6 Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD as long as I live.
Verses 1-3 show us that needs are met.
As David wrote this Psalm, he addresses life from the perspective of the sheep, but quickly transistions the perspective to a human perspective.
Sheep need gentle pasture to lay in and feed. I don't personally eat grass and lay around in the yard. Sheeop need quiet water to drink from. I'm likely to jump in and splash around.
In our souls, God does the spiritual equivalant. Because we trust in him, he provides the food and drink that feeds our souls. We will never hunger or thirst because he keeps us refreshed and guides us in the way of righteousness.
It's a matter of keeping our eyes on God; Knowing and listening to his voice; following in his steps; trusting our provider.
Our greatest need is to trust God. Circumstances are just that: circumstances. Circumstances come and go. they may last your lifetime, but they are not eternal-God is eternal.
There is a story of a lady showing her rich friend the apartment of a woman who is bound to the apartment due physical problems. They enter the apartment house and the rich friend comments about how run down it seems. They go up a flight of steps and she complains of the conditions and having to use the stairs. Her escort replied, "it's better higher up." They continued and the rich friend continued her complaint, always to the replay, "it is better higher up." Finally, they reach and enter the apartment. After meeting the crippled lady, she looked around for a bit and blurted out, "it must be very difficult for you to be here like this!" With a moment's hesitation the shut-in responded, "it's better higher up." D.L. Moody explains, She was not looking at temporal things. With eyes fixed on the eternal, she had found the secret of true satisfaction and contentment.
Verse 4 shows us we do not need to fear death.
People are afraid to die. Many because death is the ultimate unknown. They don't know what will happen to them. This is one of the reasons for healthcare concerns and the cosmetic surgery industry. If we can cheat aging and the problems that go with it, then we might actually cheat death.
Then people try cheating death by doing extreme things, such as, bungee jumping. Flying straight down like a missile toward the ground, but having a giant rubberband snap them back into the air before their heads are smashed against the ground. Or extreme parachuting. Jumping from a plane and waiting to open the parachute until the last possible instant and still float safely to the ground.
In 1975, about a hour or so after a rain, I drove our 1964 Olds f85 station wagon out to Mark Summers house about 12 miles in the country. The roads were very good, a bit winding and rolling hills, two lanes, with a paved shoulder, but it was wet. I stupidly decided to see how fast I could get the car up too. I was at 110 mph and still accelerating when the rear slid a little. I realized just how stupid I was being fearing that I would go flying off the road into one of the apple trees in the orchard along the road. I let off the gas and deccelerated to a safe speed. I had cheated death. I was doing the extreme before we knew there was extreme. But I feared death, so I slowed down.
With God protecting our souls, there is no reason to fear dying, because, like it has been described, death is the next step for the believer. Stepping out of this life into the next, a life with God and Christ for eternity. If we continue in faith with God, when we die, there is nothing to fear, because we are protected in the great hands of the creator.
Verses 5&6, show us you are an heir (of the King).
The story of the Prince and the Pauper tells of the meeting of two young boys of the same age who look alike (like identical twins). One is a prince living a luxurious life and the other a pauper living in squalor just hoping to have enough food to live at all. When they meet, the prince is intrigued by the pauper and invites him into the palace where they exchange the characteristics of their lives. The prince, wanting a new experience, convinces the pauper to switch with him for a time so he can see what a pauper's life is like, also letting the pauper see what a prince's life is like. After several trying and difficult experiences, they finally change back.
A number of things transpire, but eventually, the pauper is brought before the prince who is now the king. The prince forgives the crime and brings the pauper into the palace to live, providing all he will ever need, even having him eat with him.
Followers of God, are more than guests in the kings palace. Dignataries are given a luxurious room to stay in. They get to roam the palace, enjoying the gardens, and libraries and visiting with others of importance, even being invited to eat at the king's table, a special privilege. But we are more than guests, we are made heirs. We are not just visiting, we are home, the palace is our home.
With God, we have become heirs with the son of the king, Jesus. Now how special is that? How special are we to God?
I cannot think of a funeral I have preached where I was not asked or did not choose to read Psalm 23. There is a reason for that. It is a Psalm which comforts the weak-hearted. But, I have often wondered why it is a funeral-only Psalm. It is a Psalm for everyday. It touches our hearts because we understand the experience David is protraying in praising the goodness of the Shepherd.
During some recent uprisings in the Middle East, Ron and Joke Jones, who serve with the Christian and Missionary alliance in Israel, communicated the following in their prayer letter:
The result of the fighting and killing has left a profound sense of discouragement that hovers over the country. Several times we have come into closer contact with this conflict than our comfort zone allowed.
Yesterday a friend shared with us something she observed that was delightful reminder of God's care for us. She watched a shepherd caring for his flock near the area where guns are fired. Every time the shots rang out the sheep scattered in fright. The shepherd then touched each of them with his staff and spoke calmly to them, and the sheep settled down immediately because they trusted the shepherd. And then another shot sounded, and the same routine happened again. Each tme, the sheep needed the shepherd to orient them again and to reassure them they were safe. [Cited by Greg Asimakoupoulos]
We, are like those sheep, and our Shepherd reaches out and touches us with his staff, speaking words of calm and comfort.
If we are going to live, then we must receive a life of peace from the Shepherd, God the Father. He is ALWAYS there for you and me.
"I met an 11 year old young man this week who has become limited in movement and ability over the last two years. The problem is in the muscles of his legs and buttocks. Ronnie (name changed for annonymity) walks with a jerking and stop motion. He cannot run and play like the rest of the children his age. He can only sit along the sidelines as they run and kick and catch and play.
This has all been very difficult on Ronnie and his family. The doctors have run test after test and have no answers. Like most of us, at least knowing is better than, 'we don't know.'
In many ways, Ronnie's condition is like Muscular Dystrophy, but the doctors say they cannot be sure that is it.
Wednesday, after the campfire at church, he set down with his minister wanting to be baptized, because, "then God would heal me," he said. His minister told him that God can heal, but he may choose not to heal. Ronnie still chose to be baptized.
Can you see that Ronnie is scared about his condition even though it is stable at the moment? He felt God didn't like him, or that God was trying to get him and baptism would cure it all.
It is difficult to imagine, but children younger than Ronnie go through terrible ordeals and do not know peace. They go to bed frightened, worried about all kinds of possible problems like abusive parents, gangs, or being hurt or killed at school, out-of-work parents, or disease conditions like Ronnie's.
Children are not the only ones to live without peace. Adults do too, maybe even you.
There are all kinds of difficulties that can rob us of peace. We could even make a very, very long list of the possibilities. But didn't Jeus say, "in this life you will have trouble" (John 16:33). Stuff happens to the good and the bad alike. This "stuff" can actually paralyse people--keeping them from living-- that is, not experiencing any hope or joy.
To get away from temptations, some people enter monastaries. But other tempations come on strong. Some people have even moved from one location or city to another but move into other problems. Some even try to fight and resist the issue, but end up creating even more things that leave them without peace.
One aspect of God's answer to a troubled world is to give our lives peace. However, a lot of people believe that for God to give a life of peace he should remove all problems and sickness, everything that keeps us from have peace in our lives.
Psalm 23 answers some of the question about living a life of peace.
1 The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack.
2 He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.
3 He renews my life; He leads me along the right paths for His name's sake.
4 Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear [no] danger, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff—they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6 Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD as long as I live.
Verses 1-3 show us that needs are met.
As David wrote this Psalm, he addresses life from the perspective of the sheep, but quickly transistions the perspective to a human perspective.
Sheep need gentle pasture to lay in and feed. I don't personally eat grass and lay around in the yard. Sheeop need quiet water to drink from. I'm likely to jump in and splash around.
In our souls, God does the spiritual equivalant. Because we trust in him, he provides the food and drink that feeds our souls. We will never hunger or thirst because he keeps us refreshed and guides us in the way of righteousness.
It's a matter of keeping our eyes on God; Knowing and listening to his voice; following in his steps; trusting our provider.
Our greatest need is to trust God. Circumstances are just that: circumstances. Circumstances come and go. they may last your lifetime, but they are not eternal-God is eternal.
There is a story of a lady showing her rich friend the apartment of a woman who is bound to the apartment due physical problems. They enter the apartment house and the rich friend comments about how run down it seems. They go up a flight of steps and she complains of the conditions and having to use the stairs. Her escort replied, "it's better higher up." They continued and the rich friend continued her complaint, always to the replay, "it is better higher up." Finally, they reach and enter the apartment. After meeting the crippled lady, she looked around for a bit and blurted out, "it must be very difficult for you to be here like this!" With a moment's hesitation the shut-in responded, "it's better higher up." D.L. Moody explains, She was not looking at temporal things. With eyes fixed on the eternal, she had found the secret of true satisfaction and contentment.
Verse 4 shows us we do not need to fear death.
People are afraid to die. Many because death is the ultimate unknown. They don't know what will happen to them. This is one of the reasons for healthcare concerns and the cosmetic surgery industry. If we can cheat aging and the problems that go with it, then we might actually cheat death.
Then people try cheating death by doing extreme things, such as, bungee jumping. Flying straight down like a missile toward the ground, but having a giant rubberband snap them back into the air before their heads are smashed against the ground. Or extreme parachuting. Jumping from a plane and waiting to open the parachute until the last possible instant and still float safely to the ground.
In 1975, about a hour or so after a rain, I drove our 1964 Olds f85 station wagon out to Mark Summers house about 12 miles in the country. The roads were very good, a bit winding and rolling hills, two lanes, with a paved shoulder, but it was wet. I stupidly decided to see how fast I could get the car up too. I was at 110 mph and still accelerating when the rear slid a little. I realized just how stupid I was being fearing that I would go flying off the road into one of the apple trees in the orchard along the road. I let off the gas and deccelerated to a safe speed. I had cheated death. I was doing the extreme before we knew there was extreme. But I feared death, so I slowed down.
With God protecting our souls, there is no reason to fear dying, because, like it has been described, death is the next step for the believer. Stepping out of this life into the next, a life with God and Christ for eternity. If we continue in faith with God, when we die, there is nothing to fear, because we are protected in the great hands of the creator.
Verses 5&6, show us you are an heir (of the King).
The story of the Prince and the Pauper tells of the meeting of two young boys of the same age who look alike (like identical twins). One is a prince living a luxurious life and the other a pauper living in squalor just hoping to have enough food to live at all. When they meet, the prince is intrigued by the pauper and invites him into the palace where they exchange the characteristics of their lives. The prince, wanting a new experience, convinces the pauper to switch with him for a time so he can see what a pauper's life is like, also letting the pauper see what a prince's life is like. After several trying and difficult experiences, they finally change back.
A number of things transpire, but eventually, the pauper is brought before the prince who is now the king. The prince forgives the crime and brings the pauper into the palace to live, providing all he will ever need, even having him eat with him.
Followers of God, are more than guests in the kings palace. Dignataries are given a luxurious room to stay in. They get to roam the palace, enjoying the gardens, and libraries and visiting with others of importance, even being invited to eat at the king's table, a special privilege. But we are more than guests, we are made heirs. We are not just visiting, we are home, the palace is our home.
With God, we have become heirs with the son of the king, Jesus. Now how special is that? How special are we to God?
I cannot think of a funeral I have preached where I was not asked or did not choose to read Psalm 23. There is a reason for that. It is a Psalm which comforts the weak-hearted. But, I have often wondered why it is a funeral-only Psalm. It is a Psalm for everyday. It touches our hearts because we understand the experience David is protraying in praising the goodness of the Shepherd.
During some recent uprisings in the Middle East, Ron and Joke Jones, who serve with the Christian and Missionary alliance in Israel, communicated the following in their prayer letter:
The result of the fighting and killing has left a profound sense of discouragement that hovers over the country. Several times we have come into closer contact with this conflict than our comfort zone allowed.
Yesterday a friend shared with us something she observed that was delightful reminder of God's care for us. She watched a shepherd caring for his flock near the area where guns are fired. Every time the shots rang out the sheep scattered in fright. The shepherd then touched each of them with his staff and spoke calmly to them, and the sheep settled down immediately because they trusted the shepherd. And then another shot sounded, and the same routine happened again. Each tme, the sheep needed the shepherd to orient them again and to reassure them they were safe. [Cited by Greg Asimakoupoulos]
We, are like those sheep, and our Shepherd reaches out and touches us with his staff, speaking words of calm and comfort.
If we are going to live, then we must receive a life of peace from the Shepherd, God the Father. He is ALWAYS there for you and me.
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