Guitars Are Taking Over The World

Or something like that.

Location: Linn Creek, Missouri, United States

Married since 1979, with 3 children, and a grandbaby.

Friday, September 15, 2006


  • Before I begin my rants and raves, just a gas price note. It reached $2.15.9 here and my son saw it for $2.13.9 in Joplin. The forecast is for it to go below $2.00 by Thanksgiving. At this rate it will be $1.50 by Thanksgiving.
  • O yeah. My sermons are now on the church's website.
  • Our van was wrecked three weeks ago and we are still waiting on the repairs to be completed. It was thought that the frame needed a little squaring, but it appears it is the replacement strut. The prediction is possibly, maybe, could be, if we're lucky, that we'll be able to pick it up next Friday.

I wonder about some Christians and some churches sometimes. A person runs into marital probelms, ends up in divorce, lives hundreds of miles from his children and is rarely allowed to see them. Now out of the ministry, this person, a friend of mine, has been hurt by the church, the very people who should be making every attempt to help, restore, and encourage those who are going through such terrible times. Since I saw my friend this afternoon, I have been consumed with what has happened to him and mourn.

Jesus and the apostle John said to believers, ie., the church, "love one another." Love does not condemn the repentant but seeks to restore. Love does not destroy, but builds up. Love does not turn its back but tries to bring back to the right track. Love does forgive. Love does care. Love does hold out hope. Read Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 13. His writing about love has to do with the Christian's relationship to each other. In fact, I am interested in reading my friends writing on the this passage.

It is interesting that I saw my friend today (its been almost 5 years since the last time I saw my friend), because the message I am to give Sunday, is about God's love in the church, through his people. At times, Christians and the church disappoint. And when the church does not fulfil the love of God, it turns people off. Its no wonder people reject the church and then reject God who the church is suppose to represent.

How much do we Christians as the church need to repent of? How many people have been turned away because we have not loved one another? How many have I personally been responsible for turning away from Christ? God I am so sorry for any that I may have turned off of you because I didn't show your true love. Please forgive me.

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!


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