A Safe Life (sermon from Sept. 12, 2006)
Psalm 139 is a Safe Life (4th in the series: LIVE! Insights for life from the Psalms)
The book of Psalms is both easy and hard. The more time spent in the book, the deeper one's depth of understanding. The Psalm writers nailed the essential elements of human nature, feelings, and desire of both the righteous and unrighteous. And, the reach of their understanding of God, is rich and deep.
Pslam 139 is written to be sung. A song celebrating God's part or the reltationship he has with his people. What this Psalm shows is why we who follow God have an awesome life.
During a recent week of Church camp with 5th and th graders, I got to share how great it is to be in Christ, with a theme called, "I'm Lovin' This!" based on the McDonald's advertising theme. I got to share about peace, joy, hope, and much more in my life because I am in Christ. I can say, I love being me.
This is a look at an Awesome Life from God's relationship with us.
Its an awesome life because God is all-knowing (verses 1-6). Sometimes, don't you wish you knew it all? But when you look at the President of the US, after each one has served in office, they have aged beyond their years, because of the pressures of dealing with all the knowledge they have. I'm glad I don't know what they know. Knowledge comes with a burden. What to do with it all? There are moral actions, correct or incorrect actions, worry and concern, and consequences good or bad based upon knowledge.
When a crime is commited, investigators begin the process of gathering information to determine what is correct and factual about the case, in order to solve the crime. God knows everything about us. David even admits that God already has done the investigation. He knows our activities, our thoughts, what we will say before we say it, and as David admits this, he is humble enough to realize that there is no excape from God's knowledge and that what Goi knows is so much more than Davod is able to understand or grasp.
What does this mean to you? We had better be careful about how we think and live. In fact, the 10 commandments are there to help us in this. He knows our needs, our feelings, our hopes, and our fears. This makes him best able to meet our needs according to his will.
Because he knows these things he can help us in all things.
It's an Awesome Life because God is all-seeing (verses 7-12). David paints a picture, not of a nosey, meddling God, but of a loving God who cares about every part of our life.
David beautifully draws attention to:
- How there is no way that God loses sight of us
- How there is no place that can hide us from his sight, in heaven or earth, life or death, even in the darkness, God can see as if it was light.
With God's all-knowing character, coupled with his all-seeing nature, God can guide our lives and is always there with us. We have a difficult path to walk in this world. Making our way through, we will need help to avoid dangers, no matter what, no matter where, no matter when. God is there.
It is an Awesome Life because God is allpowerful (13-18). Power is awesome. The strong men of the Jackson Weight Club in Kirksville, MO perform feats of strength that just make your jaw drop. They bend hardened bolts and nails, they roll-up frying pans, they lift incredible weights and more. They will tell you that as strong as their bodies are, the real source of strength in their lives is God.
- From our own personal creation (ie., birth) >> Only God can create, only God can give life.
- Not only creating and giving life, but knowing our whole life, from birth to death from beginning to everlasting.
God's power creates, gives, and guides life.
Because God is awesomely wonderful (vs 14) David praises God, but also wishes to perceiive the mind of God, to learn his thoughts.
What does this have to do with us?
- God doesn't come in after our bodies and minds are already formed, like a counselor, but is there throughout, from the time in our mother's womb throughout our life and even after death.
- God's power makes it so he is always with us (or as Romans 8:38 describes, nothing has the power to wrench us out of God's love through Christ).
It's an Awesome Life because God is all right (verses 19-24). We often sing the song Holiness. "Holiness, holiness is what I long for. Holiness is what I need. Holiness is what you want from me." Second verse, same as the first. "Righteousness, righteousness is what I..." Holiness and righteousness are essentially the same thing.
David points out that he different than the rest of the world, in fact, that he even chooses to avoid and turn from them because they are opposed to God who is totally righteous. David is so adamant about keeping from the ways of evil that he asks God to search his life, test his wasy, and see if there is anything in him that is not righteous.
Rigteousness is having no part of evil. God's very nature is righteous. He does this all so that we will have rightsousness in us so that it becomes our nature.
Why does all this make our life an awesome life? Because is shows us that God is intimately involved in our lives. It shows us that God's creation can be redeemed.Now, how cool is that?
Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!
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