Guitars Are Taking Over The World

Or something like that.

Location: Linn Creek, Missouri, United States

Married since 1979, with 3 children, and a grandbaby.

Friday, March 02, 2007

News! Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

I am sitting at McDonalds, my basic wifi connection, downloading the free antivirus, and updating other programs, and CNN is broadcasting the funeral procession of Anna Nicole Smith.

The more I think about it, the more angered and discouraged I am. Please know I am not upset it is Anna Nicole Smith, but because it is someone famous. If it were the President of the United States, I could understand because he has a major effect on our lives, whereas, people that are famous for whatever reason, may or may not have the same level of effect.

News is about what effects us. A tornado killed 18 school kids in Alalbama, but the live feed is showing them remove the casket, covered in pink, being removed from the hearse and carred into the church where her funeral will be.

The coverage of the fight for her body and eventually the fight for her money is news, just as if it were about me, even though I am not famous. If it happened to me, the local news might make a report and give whatever updates there maybe, but there is no reason to give 24.7 coverage of court antics, and funeral processions, etc.

I know that we are more interested in the misfortune of famous people than we are of whatever is going on with our neighbors. And I know that controversy of famous people makes money. But I don't like it. I want to hear about that which effects our lives. The war, the storms, tax breaks or increases, prison breaks, etc.

Please excuse my rantings, even if my attitude is not a good one, I needed to unload.
Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!



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