Guitars Are Taking Over The World

Or something like that.

Location: Linn Creek, Missouri, United States

Married since 1979, with 3 children, and a grandbaby.

Friday, December 08, 2006

People still have a heart

Some of the biggest news over the past week has been the winter storm that socked most of Missouri. To show how bad the storm was, McDonalds was closed on Friday. Mac's only closes on Thanksgiving and Christmas days.

On Monday, I got stuck on the hill up to our house. That night, when we tried to drive the hill, just after the cruve (about half way up), the van ceased moving forward. When backed down the hill I drove to wide and stuck the front driver's side wheel in the little ditch which was enough to strand the van there.

I tried digging out, but it made worse. On Tuesday morning, our friend Barry brought his big 4-wheel drive pickup and we were unsuccessful. His wheels couldn't grip.

That afternoon, I was beginning to figure how to raise the wheel and place a couple of 2x4's under it to drive out (I'm too cheap to call the wrecker), when a guy in a big Dodge 4x4, painted orange and red. The red were flames. He volunteered to pull me out. He did it easily.

I asked how much and he said, "just a handshake."

By modern standards of ethics and etiquette, when someone does you a favor, you offer a reward or pay them. Which converts a favor into a job. Its not kindness, its business.

Though prepared to give the guy money, he was being a Good Samaritan. I thank God for the kindness of thoughtful and caring human nature.

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!


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