Merry Christmas

Once again, that time of year has come. It is a time of hope and joy. A time for realization. That is, God is love and in him is no darkness at all. The coming of His Son is special for that reason alone because when the Son came into the world, a great light has shone. Greater than the force and brightness of the sun, even from the days of creation. A light that shines not judgment, but life.
The world is wreathed in hopelessness. But in Christ, hopelessness does not exist. Hope is so much more than wishfulness, it is certainty. In Christ, it is certain, that life is given and that life is abundant and eternal.
As the Israelites would repeat on special occasions, from passages such as Psalm 136, "Give thanks for the Lord is good. His love endures forever."
In the birth of Christ, God's love is injected into our world like medicine from a hydodermic needle.
In the birth of Christ, God's love is injected into our world like medicine from a hydodermic needle.
May this season be joy for you. Not the giving and receiving of gifts, but giving to the need of people. Meeting their needs, such as the work of the Salvation Army and others. But the greatest need is to know Christ. This season is an even greater evangelist moment than Easter time.
The birth of Christ was all about announcements and evangelism. "What are you talking about?" The angel Gabriel and the angels announced the coming of the Messiah, Immanuel, Jesus. They made known that the Savior was coming and had come. The first thing the shepherds did after finding and worshiping the King, was to go out and tell all they saw that the Savior had come.
Can we do no less. "Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere. Go tell it on the mountain, that Jesus Christ is born."
From my family and my own heart, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and the hope of joy as you tell the lost that Jesus has come.
Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!
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