Guitars Are Taking Over The World

Or something like that.

Location: Linn Creek, Missouri, United States

Married since 1979, with 3 children, and a grandbaby.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

What Am I Worth?

I'm at least 15 years behind my time. I began the course of self-discovery, not as a young teen, like many, but as a young adult, just a few months from marriage. I was employed by Coca-Cola as a route driver. My work began most mornings at 4 AM. Usually, I was in bed between 8 and 8:30, 9:00 at the latest. One night, my parents called, shortly after I had gone to sleep. I was really out of it. I thought it was odd that Mom and Dad were calling at 2:00 in the morning. It wasn't even 10:00. It was then that I realized, life goes on everywhere else, despite the fact that I am unaware of what is taking place, and that I am not there.

One episode of growing pains has Mike turning the TV on and off. Gilligan's Island is on and he is realizing that the show is on whether he is watching it or not. The self-realization blew his mind.

The world is not about me, its not about you, but we humans ignore the fact and when we learn it, we even forget the fact, that the world is not our play ground.

One author calls it, the search for significance. Who am I? What am I here for? Do I matter, at all?

The simple answer is the significant answer. We were all created in the image of God. We have the ability to share in a relationship with him. We are even invited to do so. In spite of the sin that separates, we are able to be restored through the power of forgiveness given through Jesus.

[Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 8; Romans 3:23; Romans 1:18ff; Isaiah 59; Isaiah 53:6]

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!



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