The Holy Spirit in the Christian's Life
I have a minister friend, Jim, who illustrates how the Holy Spirit of God empowers the Christian's life. He has a 15 passenger church van setting at the bottom of a hill, running, in neutral. He will tell his class (usually 10 or 12 junior high students) to push the van up the hill. They'll begin and it will roll until the vans begins the incline of the hill. Then the weight of the van is too much for the students. He stops it from rolling back with the brake. Then he will put the van in drive and have the students push the van up the hill, all the while accelerating. The van goes easily up the hill and the students pushing do virtually none of the work to get it up the hill.
With the Holy Spirit in our lives, we have the power of God in our lives. When we let the Spirit direct and accomplish the work, then there is great success. Too many people, church boards, and other church groups come up with ideas to carry out or fulfill the work God has called them to do, and with a majority vote, they decide to go through with the plans, asking and wishing that God will be pleased with it and bless it. It may have slight success, but it is not serving within the power of God's Spirit but in our own strength, it is weakness. If we follow the Spirit and do as he is leading, we will see great success because it is God's power exerted through our service that brings it about. John 14:15-18.
My friend Ken has been blind since birth. In order to get around he requires assistance. Ken will put his right hand on my left shoulder and follow my movements almost exactly. His step is about a 1/2 step behind mine. When I turn, he follows the turning motion. When I step up or down, he steps the same way and does not stumble. When we arein tight spaces (like the aisles at Walmart), I'll inform him and tell him what we need to do and he will follow my movement. This works because Ken trusts me to lead him. He trusts I will not run him into a wall or pole; he trusts that I will not lead him into a hole or into traffic.
The Christian's walk with God, having the Spirit lead us is very similar. We are to walk by faith not my sight. Faith follows because it follows the eyes of God who is eternal, who can see ahead when we have no clue. When we follow the Spirit's leading we are always going the right direction. Romans 8:9-11.
God is at work in our lives. Will we follow his Spirit or strike out on our own? God has great success in store, if we will follow him and not get the proverbial cart before the horse.
"For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose" Philippians 3:13
Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!
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