Guitars Are Taking Over The World

Or something like that.

Location: Linn Creek, Missouri, United States

Married since 1979, with 3 children, and a grandbaby.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Second Coming Hope

God is amazing. The Greek/Roman mythological gods were petty, greedy, selfish, impetuous, hateful, gods. They are created exactly in our image. The image of human beings. Never involved with humans except when they plead with them and when they want something from humans.

They were immoral, murderous, and meddlesome. But Yahweh on the other hand, is involved with humanity all the time. He chooses to dwell with us. He even loves us. He tolerates sin to an extent by delaying the return of Jesus for more people to be saved. He chooses not to leave us in our sinful state, but save us from the eternal effects of sin, both as we live out our time on earth and eternity. So he sends Jesus.

There is an issue that every Christian must be aware of and portect against. The devil wishes to attack us and destroy our faith, hoping to pull us into the punishment reserved for him. God created hell for the devil, not for him to rule, but as a dungeon of punishment for his rebellion. All that do not accept Christ and the unfaithful will share the same fate as the devil. He will not be running around whipping and tormenting those who are in hell, he will be punished along with them.

1 Thessalonins 5:9 says that God did not create us for wrath, this punishment that is reserved for the devil, but to live with him eternally. And this is through Jesus. Jesus's death on the cross was for our salvation. He suffered and died when we should have been tormented and desparing.

Knowing that we are in Christ, and the promise God has left us with helps us keep hope in a world that is closing in away us with what seems to be a perpetual evil, persecuting and destroying the church and the Bible.

The book of Revelation can be summed up in just a couple of sentences. As the world persecutes and torments the church, things look bleak. But those who endure until the end, whether they live until Jesus returns or die and wait in the grace, will receive the crown of life. That is an assurance I will hold onto tightly and with hope. Without hope, there doesn't seem much to live for, but hope provides endurance.

Maranatha! Come quickly Lord Jesus.

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!


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