Guitars Are Taking Over The World

Or something like that.

Location: Linn Creek, Missouri, United States

Married since 1979, with 3 children, and a grandbaby.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Purpose and Vision

Purpose and vision are important matters. Churches without a defined and specific purpose tend to plug along without much effect and usually without vision. In many cases, they simply, exist. On the other hand, churches which have evaluated their communities, realized their church's gifts, abilities and resources have established there purpose and cast vision and they thrive.

I have been ministering a number of years, but it wasn't until recently that I even considered purpose and vision for me personally. I have had effective moments, but I have not been a wholely effective minister, until, I realized what God could do through me, and saw what he wants to do through. I have learned to minsiter with purpose and foresight.

Let illustrate this differently. There is a family owned company based in California which has made drills for decades. When the father stepped down as the head of the company, his son assumed the role. He didn't change anything for 6 months. Then he announced a meeting of all the managers and workers to announce the purpose and vision of the company.

Everyone assembled and the son walked to the podium. There was great expectancy. Everyone expected a lengthy announcement, description, and plan, but the son in a matter of a couple of minutes said that the company was no longer in the drill making business, but in the hole making business. He stepped away and the company began to develop ways to make holes.

They still manufacture drills, but only because drills are one way to make a hole. The company is now a leader in laser drilling.

Once the purpose was determined, announced, and followed, the company turned all their rescources toward their purpose began to grow and set new goals and accomplished those goals.

Our congregation is in the process of determining God's exact purpose for us at this moment in history and our location in the world. We have chosen to "make holes."

One of the things we have learned is that we are House of Faith, a Home of Love, and a Family of Hope. We are developing and moving more fully in these directions.

Psalm 33:3 The best instrument you have is your heart!


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